Sunday, April 21, 2013

Fifty Shades of Grace # 4

Mike Liguori is a former United States Marine and veteran of the Iraq War. In his book, “The Sandbox, Stories of Human Spirit and War,” he describes his two tours in Iraq (’04-‘06) and his struggle coming home.  Mr. Liguori battled Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and struggled finding a purpose in life after war.
Mike Liguori

In a recent panel interview on KQED Public radio (03.13.13, 9:00am Forum) marking the tenth anniversary of our invasion of Iraq, Mike Liguori described how he grew up in San Carlos as an active Roman Catholic with a typical adolescent machismo attitude toward life and war.  He went into the military with heroic visions of defending his nation and retribution for the attacks of 9/11.  His first experience of live fire battle changed all of that.  In fact, he was describing it and his service in Iraq as a “loss of faith”…in his nation, himself and God.    

Following his discharge from the service he bounced around a variety of jobs and schools with little success or focus.  He experienced so much of what we are learning about Iraq/Afghanistan PTSD; serious issues with anger, isolation, alcohol.  One night as he was fixing dinner alone in his apartment, he contemplated suicide, using the knife he had in his hands.  It was at that moment that he heard a voice speak clearly to him as if someone was in the room with him; “…this is not your time to die”.  It was a turning point in his life and a moment that he credits to God as he understands God.   

In 2011, Mike graduated with a B.S. in Business Management and Administration from Menlo College.  He is the founder of Operation Work Warriors, a non-profit organization helping veterans reintegrate into civilian life by providing education, counseling and career guidance (  He is active in the veteran’s community, lobbying veteran legislation in Washington D.C. with the Iraq Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA).  He is a public speaker about hiring veterans in today’s workforce; our nation’s unemployment rate is 7.7% but for veterans it is 9.4%.  President Obama was recently quoted as saying, “No one who fights for their country overseas should ever have to fight for a job here at home.” (Washington Post, 03.19.13)  Operation Work Warriors is about honoring those who serve our country with the dignity and respect that comes with honest work and a chance to build a future.

However one understands the Easter story…history or metaphor…life by its nature is organized for resurrection.  A seed dies and springs to life with new growth in its season.  Every day our bodies replace old cells die as they die with new cells.  And it can happen in the life of any good man or woman who finds themselves with the second chance to choose life and make the most of it.  For Mike Liguori, resurrection came as he buried the illusions of the past and dedicated his life to doing something good for somebody else.  Service to others has renewed his faith in a Higher Power, a compassionate God who cares about him and his future.  And he would tell you that such faith has made all the difference.